Wellness Witch Podcast: Medicinal Mushrooms for Menopause, Stress, Sleep & Libido with Brandi Garden

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Let’s face it, as we get into our forties, our resilience is declining. There are so many hormonal shifts within the perimenopause period that can create a cascade of effects that leave us feeling stressed and unbalanced. If only there were some sort of magic elixir that could help us thrive through perimenopause, meeting all the shifts with grace and vigor. In today’s episode, Brandi Garden, from Eversio Wellness, returns to the show to tell you all about how functional, medicinal mushrooms can be the magic that helps you through your biggest hormonal shift yet. Brandi and Samantha talk all about which types of mushrooms to take at what times, and how much to take to ensure efficacy. With the proper medicinal mushroom protocol in place, you can move through perimenopause feeling balanced, rooted and grounded without pharmaceuticals.     


In this episode of The Wellness Witch Podcast:

What are adaptogens and how they can help menopausal symptoms

Diving into the data: Reishi’s benefits on sleep

The “Pixie Dusting” problem within the industry

Proper dosage recommendations—what, when and how much

The benefits of combining different types of mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms for children? Yes!


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